12 November 2020
Find out how the Departmental Council has chosen to ensure ecological continuity and preserve wildlife while keeping road users safe.
The “Trame Verte et Bleue” is a public policy initiated in 2007 and introduced into the French Environmental Code in 2009. It aims to reduce the fragmentation of natural and semi-natural habitats by taking biodiversity into account in land use planning.
The aim is to preserve and restore an ecological network in France, made up of biodiversity reservoirs and corridors. Corridors are primarily used to ensure the movement of species between biodiversity reservoirs, whether routine, dispersal or migratory.
It is in this context that the Departmental Committee of Haute-Savoie has called on the KELIAS Wildlife Pack solution.
Some Figures
Nationally, the accident rate from collisions with wildlife is:
Through the municipality of Doussard (74) runs the RD1508, a busy commuter road (15,000 vehicles per day on average). This ecological corridor features several major aspects of biodiversity:
The RD1508 in the municipality of Doussard is one of the department’s black spots for collisions with wildlife (70 collisions per year on average).
The challenge for CD 74 is twofold:
The KELIAS Solution :
Introduced in December 2017, the wildlife pack system has proven its usefulness:
In association with the Haute-Savoie Hunting Federation and an engineering design office, the system has benefitted from expert support during the equipment installation phases by locating the wildlife’s preferred crossing points along the corridor.
Since it was commissioned, the Hunting Federation has been monitoring the system in order to provide a common environmental reference resource on animal numbers visiting the site and to keep track of related mortality.
Case study
In short
Case study